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June 18, 2010

Contemporary Cultural Diplomacy

Kasia, our Life Beyond Tourism University Delegate from Poland, make us reflect upon the contemporary significance of cultural diplomacy:

“Contemporary cultural diplomacy is one of the aspects of public diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy through the use of cultural contents is caring out the branding tasks. Culture promotion is integrally related with government’s actions in the field of country’s foreign policy. Cultural diplomacy is based on various programs directed at foreign audiences. Public can be influenced by taking part in cultural events, getting know foreign language, tradition, customs etc. Contemporary cultural diplomacy has focused on the exchange of thoughts, ideas and cultural products between nations. All activities concentrated on this field lead to understanding of the other country. The main trends in foreign policy are more visible in the programs organized in the framework of cultural diplomacy. These initiatives are directed straight to the citizens. Actions of the public diplomacy include coordination and support also for privet initiatives held outside the home country. Joseph S. Nye, a former US Assistant Secretary of Defense and  professor at Harvard University, presented a theory called “soft power” relating to the art of persuasion. He claimed how to convince one country to do what another one wants. This view allows for building power and international position of a country based not on coercive power, often armed, but to achieve these goals by influencing other nations through economic and cultural sphere. Cultural diplomacy has an aim to present an interesting model of life, which will be attractive for other nations. Attractive patterns are readily reproduced, what lead to the creation of common interest. Therefore, promotion of culture could bring also a political effects.”

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